
Some sketches

A few sketches from April/May. Just finished 3rd year, and got a decent grade that I predicted and feel I deserved. Really looking forward to the hard grind and stress related illness that will come in 4th year, because I get to animate lots of cartoony characters with a team made up of skilled and excellent friends.

These are a mixture of location drawing and misc (bottom image). Some from sketchgroup

This summer will give me a chance to do cool stuff. I plan on doing some fan art animations, and perhaps trying to learn some C coding language. Last summer I sat around and did nothing all day, absolutely nothing; so it won't take much to beat.

I also plan on playing some games. Mainly this one. Only this one. Nothing else.


  1. Maximum gorgeous as ever.

  2. That looks like my kind of game! Drawings are lovely, you have the smarmy guy :D
